Crime and Punishment

In my society, crime is one of the most effective ways for the government to collect funds, other than taxing. Most major crimes are related to population control, as each couple is only allowed to bring one child into the world. Any additional child is required an illegal sibling, and if exposed that crime is punishable by death, both the child’s and one of the parents’. Another severe population-related crime is surrogacy, which is the second worst crime after overbreeding, and is also punishable by death. These deaths are done without trial, by government agents called “depopulators” These agents have the authority to shoot and kill upon certain identification of an illegal sibling or surrogate.

The swift, trial-less method of punishment is very typical of the government’s philosophy, which puts the nation above all and plays special favors for the rich and powerful. The recruitment of depopulators is done usually through brainwashing and dehumanization of ex-parents who tried to conceive for a second time and got caught. They law enforcement agencies take advantage of their fragile emotional state and guilt for risking their family by trying to conceive again. These individuals are stripped of an identification or identity and operate as government emotionless mercenaries.

Adoption is still legal in some counties, and it is usually so expensive that it is pre-arranged. Surrogacy is illegal and punishable by death of the baby and parent. Still, some couples wish to bring babies through a mutual friend, in which case the child is left with him biological parent until he is old enough to be considered up for adoption without raising suspicion of surrogacy.

Almost all other crimes are related to food hoarding or hiding, or attempts to sabotage or tamper with the government’s method of food distribution. These crimes are considered second-degree, and are punishable by fines or labor. Prisons are no longer in use, as criminals who can’t withstand their financial debt are executed to help with population control. All traditional forms of crime such as robbery, theft, violence or murder are no longer enforced as crimes, as enforcing them distracts from the population control efforts, according to the government. In fact, these crimes often promote the national agenda to reduce the number or people, and it is considered each citizen’s responsibility to protect themselves and their family from these obsolete crimes.

As mentioned, there is no court system as well. Crimes are determined by law enforcement agents or depopulators on the field, in accordance with the most updated published crime list. Upon arrest, agents are free to execute or punish criminals with fines in accordance to pre-determined laws.


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