When and where - Stream of consciousness writing

Images in the fire:
       -       An iguana crossing a mossy log
-       A snow sleigh
-       An old face with a stern expression
-       Huge tidal waves sliding off each other
-       Little birds flying around, almost crashing into each other
-       Danger, consumption of life

World 1
A world covered in water, dark windows with very little noises coming from behind them. Most of the bridges have been built and rebuild many times, but some of them are still the original structures. Flowers are growing off of the windows, blooming more with each song that is sung in the narrow alleyways. Accordion sounds fill the air and then cease immediately. The walls are mossy and rotten, but they hold up the structures that have been around for centuries. There is a slight humming, like a machine is quietly operating, although machines haven’t been running for years.

World 2
Quiet and blue, with specs of orange and purple. Purple and blue particles are flowing in opposites directions, almost colliding but always avoiding contact. The structures are jagged and organic-looking, as if grown from the ground itself, or dropped from above by an advanced alien species. Between these jagged structures are red caves, their outer walls shaped and pierced by the blue and purple collisions.

World 3
Mossy rocks and green vegetation grow both up and down. One side is clear and passable, the other is more shifty, but can still be navigated through. Layers of atmosphere and vegetation overlay on top of each other, as the universal humming continues to persist in the ether.

World 4
The humming persists, but it is accompanied by more lively noises and the additional voice carrying out through the air. Orange and blue prevail this world as well, like a thread connecting all of them through the persistence of the humming. The energy is crackling and buzzing in a positive way.

World 5
The big face is watching as the kids run through the water. Throughout the city the faces are spread out, watching in anticipation, waiting. The water has consumed parts of the railings but most of the structures are still standing, surrounded by the mossy green that seems to inhabit all micro worlds within this world. This is a special day; the water has been away for years and has finally returned. People are running through them, celebrating, rejoicing in the victory of life.

World 6

The train is the main force of this world. It provides jobs, food and recreation. It is several thousand miles long, and there are several dozens of them roaming the planet. They used to be a means of transportation, but for the past decade or so they have been the entire center of life. The air is filled with mist, cold and wet that hits your skin like being sprayed with a thousand little needles. The mist usually clears out by nighttime, but the nights are dangerous precisely because of how clear they are. In the green engine of train 647 sits Henry. Henry comes from a long line of conductors that have been operating trains since the early days after they began moving. The terrain is chiseled, monoliths stacked on top of each other. Henry remembers the stories he heard from his grandfather about these monoliths, and he shares them with his passengers. The monoliths stand between pools of snow and ice, reminding the passengers of engine 647 how fragile the climate can be, considering how barren the land was just hours earlier.


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