The Tarot Exercise
The Magician – Satrin
The Magician is a young, healthy asexual being with the
physical traits similar to human in their late 20s. The Magician (Satrin) does
not age, nor dies from natural causes.
Satrin is impartial to matters such as wars or Earthly struggles,
and does not choose sides. They are a symbol of the heavenly and the timeless
in the land of men.
They can bring life to previously withered or dead
environments, and is usually followed by a trail of blooming flowers, which
never die.
Satrin usually carries their scepter, made of a celestial
crystal called Medathis.
They are recognized as wearing a red robe and blue rope
around their waist. This choice of color for the robe comes to distinguish them
from the divine (usually associated with the color of blue), but keep them
somewhat related to or contain a spark of the heavenly.
Satrin has a sword that has never been used, they are
peaceful, but powerful, and it is believed that in the day of the Final War,
Satrin will be the final judge between the fighting sides.
Satrin leaves a trail of flowers through damaged and battle
struck lands, to help bring peace and life back to where it was taken from.
“The Mother”
“It is futile to take sides, we are all children of the
great eternity and therefore responsible for our own actions. I bring life
through peace; I do not decide if it is to last or end, that is not my place. I
see all beings as my children, and I let them settle their differences among
themselves out of love and compassion. They are equal to me, therefore I cannot
choose one side to protect, or destroy.”
The Antagonist
Through the ages, Satrin has served their own agenda before
any other. Kingdoms have been hurt by its oblivious approach, and they have
been accused of leading to great wars by not interfering or sharing their
gifts. They drink wine from their goblet that magically fills up as soon as it
empties, and they do not concern themselves with anyone’s well being but their
own. “I see no need to interfere in these Earthly matters. I have the divine
spark and I will only step in with my sword when it serves my interests. My
goblet is all I need, and my flowers are enough of a gift to mortals, they do
not deserve more.”
The Emperor – Kormin
The Emperor is a powerful figure in the world of Nath. His
status is passed down through lineage and he is not chosen by the people. The
Emperor (Kormin) is wise, wealthy and powerful in the traditional sense of the
word - meaning with treasure and armies. Though he is mortal, Kormin ages slightly
slower than most men, and is approximately 327 years old, out of which he has
been ruling for 311. Kormin has seen two great wars in his lifetime, and has
lead his kingdom to victory in both. He is generally loved by the people, as he
places a relatively high degree of importance on his subjects’ safety and
general welfare. Kormin sits on a stone throne, with heads of rams beneath his
hands, to show his dominance over his armies. Kormin is not a religious ruler,
but he follows the general guidelines of his kingdom’s ancient mythology out of
respect for tradition. He is noble and stern, and he passes final judgment on
all Earthly matters in his kingdom.
“The Father”
“I protect and rule through power and wisdom. My subjects
need my guidance and I give it with care and great thought. I sometimes make
decisions that are perceived as unfair, cruel even, but these are choices a
ruler must make if he or she is to maintain peace. War is a necessity at times;
it is followed by prosperity life. In the two wars I have waged against my
enemies, I have achieved great victories not by being compassionate or
merciful, but by being strong and calculated.”
“The Protagonist”
Kormin uses his centuries-old wisdom and power to insure
good living conditions for his people. He is a master at finance and agricultural
matters, and he shares his wisdom with his subjects to help better their short
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