The Tarot Exercise
The Magician – Satrin The Magician is a young, healthy asexual being with the physical traits similar to human in their late 20s. The Magician (Satrin) does not age, nor dies from natural causes. Satrin is impartial to matters such as wars or Earthly struggles, and does not choose sides. They are a symbol of the heavenly and the timeless in the land of men. They can bring life to previously withered or dead environments, and is usually followed by a trail of blooming flowers, which never die. Satrin usually carries their scepter, made of a celestial crystal called Medathis. They are recognized as wearing a red robe and blue rope around their waist. This choice of color for the robe comes to distinguish them from the divine (usually associated with the color of blue), but keep them somewhat related to or contain a spark of the heavenly. Satrin has a sword that has never been used, they are peaceful, but powerful, and it is believed that in the day of the Final War, Satrin...