
Showing posts from November, 2017

Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom - Assessment

1. What is your reaction to the test you just read? I found the premise of a world without death fascinating as a worldbuilding exercise. In my opinion, the setup was a bit too overwhelming in the amount of ideas and new terms it was trying to convey. I appreciated that the story was being told through an experience of meeting a very old and respected character, as if to introduce a world through its past in order to reflect on its present. In my opinion, some of the terminology could have been more straightforward, or at least explained a bit more in depth, as I found myself coming across the same unfamiliar words again and again with the slight need to go back and re-familiarize myself with them a few paragraphs earlier. I think the technique of diving into a world, and explaining it through dialogue is a fun and engaging way to go about worldbuilding, but it could have been done in a more seamless way. 2. What connection did you make with the story? Discuss the elements of the st...

Modern Day Diversity in my Futuristic Society

In my futuristic dystopian Earth, society is comprised of several races and ethnicities. Since people migrated and moved to the main continent to find work and provide for themselves. Ethnicity is no longer linked to geography, and people of different ethnicities live in the same areas. Class is a term that is defined by the level of income and amount of food provisions. Since the most educated were able to study and become food synthesizers, high income is linked to educated or well-connected people, who were able to become food distributors. In my society, race is based on the color of one’s eyes. Those of blue eyes are most common, and people with brown eyes are considered rare, superior and more impervious to sickness and bacteria. The lines between different ethnicities are blurred, as cultures fused in a shared, underground effort to maintain a sense of humanity through the VR communities. New ethnicities are forged and cultures grow within these VR cultural incubators...

BeLiving Land

        The theme of the park is belief. It is a place where the cultural aspects of all beliefs and religions can exist in the same area, free of political or social judgment. The concept statement behind the park and the experience is that all beliefs are of equal value The park is dedicated to exploring religion not as a structure of faith, but as a cultural experience, where all religions can co exist and visitors can learn and experience the cultural component of all religions and beliefs (or lack there of) via shared attractions and interactions with each other. In Be Living Land, guests can choose their attire upon entrance to the park - whether they want to stay in their own clothes, or wear traditional religious attire from any belief system they choose. They can also mix and match parts from different belief systems. Restaurants and food services are themed around cultural foods that are based on either holidays or traditions from different f...

Paradise Island theme park concept summary

Paradise Island / Wonder World -        Our park theme is Amazon in training -        We create an immersive experience, enter the island / park from the POV of the pilot, on a crashing plane, and leave on a ferry -        Concept statement - You are stronger than you believe -        Parts: History of amazon tribe, interactive experience using Wonder Bracers, market place, artificial beach / spa experience, roller coasters, multiple level dining options Possible Experiences: -        Horse back riding – guided horse walk around the island / option for experienced riders / carriage being pulled for disability access -        Training Experience – archery / sword / whip / final is the god killer. This experience could be in Virtual Reality. VR goggles are given out for training, can be hand...

Architecture in my society

In my society, living areas are tight and packed, and apartments are built extremely high on top of existing structures, since there is no more available ground space to build on. Apartments are single roomed, with a small practical area for washing and toiletry, and the rest of it made for living. Living areas are typically not decorated or renovated. Apartments are entered from long, empty hallways, through bio-identification based locked doors. A public structure that holds special importance is the Law building, which exists in each city or its equivalent in this society. In this building, government officials are responsible for food portion distribution, as well as collecting fines and taxes. Transportation is no longer done on roads, as buildings rise so high that it became impractical to build roads that support such a system. Personal cars are an extremely rare occurrence, and people transport from place to place through communal floating carts, that transport between...