Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom - Assessment
1. What is your reaction to the test you just read? I found the premise of a world without death fascinating as a worldbuilding exercise. In my opinion, the setup was a bit too overwhelming in the amount of ideas and new terms it was trying to convey. I appreciated that the story was being told through an experience of meeting a very old and respected character, as if to introduce a world through its past in order to reflect on its present. In my opinion, some of the terminology could have been more straightforward, or at least explained a bit more in depth, as I found myself coming across the same unfamiliar words again and again with the slight need to go back and re-familiarize myself with them a few paragraphs earlier. I think the technique of diving into a world, and explaining it through dialogue is a fun and engaging way to go about worldbuilding, but it could have been done in a more seamless way. 2. What connection did you make with the story? Discuss the elements of the st...